Direct Internet Banking

For best viewing our website, please access through Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge . Islamic Export Refinance is a unique Shariah compliant product provided to exporters to meet their special requirements in a completely Shariah compliant manner. Murabaha is a sale of goods/commodities to a customer on a deferred price basis. In Murabaha, Al Baraka purchases a raw material/commodity on behalf of a customer and subsequently sells it to him on agreed cost and profit basis. Both cost and profit are disclosed and agreed with the customer at the time of sale of goods. AN analyzed and interpreted all the data, and was a major contributor in writing the manuscript.

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The online banking system will typically connect to or be part of the core banking system operated by a bank to provide customers access to banking services in place of traditional branch banking. Internet banking provides personal and corporate banking services offering features such as viewing account balances, obtaining statements, checking recent transactions, transferring money between accounts, and making payments. Therefore, banks endeavor to grow and strive to increase their market share. We analyzed the effect of developing innovative channels of presenting bank services on banks’ market share. The statistical population of this research was Shahr bank’s central headquarter and its branches in Tehran, Iran. The validity and reliability of the scales were tested by EFA, CFA, experts’ opinion, and Cronbach’s alpha.

Advantages Of Online Banking

Online banking is frequently performed on mobile devices now that Wi-Fi and 4G networks are widely available. Online banking does not permit the purchase of traveler's checks, bank drafts, certain wire transfers, or the completion of certain credit applications like mortgages. These transactions still need to take place face-to-face with a bank representative. RAAST is an instant payment system that enables simplified end-to-end digital payments based on mobile numbers as compared to traditional account numbers. You also have the option to transfer funds using International Bank Account Number of the beneficiary. In pursuance of our quest to provide the most modern service to our customers, we offer banking through internet.


Use Cards Control free of charge to manage your cards straight from your computer or mobile, without coming to a branch. The tax deductions you have built up from transactions carried out online through Eurobank. These are divided into 11 expense categories, per category and per month. Get an overview of your products at Eurobank and other banks on your dashboard. Use your e-Banking Username and Password to carry out transactions from your mobile or tablet on the Eurobank Mobile App. You can also pay your taxes and dues to the state in interest-free instalments on your credit card.

The results of the correlation analysis show that the intercorrelations among the variables range from .07 to .64, which suggests that multicollinearity is not a concern in the models. The study shows a significant relationship between the development of e-banking channels and market share growth. The highest of those is .64, which is related to POS, as well as telephone banking. The other correlation coefficients are .45, .16, and .38, which are related to internet banking, ATM, and mobile banking, respectively. Although the correlation of ATM development with bank market share is statistically meaningful, it is not significant; this variable is less likely to be able to predict an increase in the bank’s market share in the regression model.
